Statistics show that Early School Leaving is a common problem at schools nowadays and it usually goes hand in hand with tendency to violence and aggressive behaviour. According to the Eurydice Report: “Tackling Early Leaving from Education and Training in Europe: Strategies” (after Anna Borkowska, Eurydice Conference, Warszawa 02.12.2014) – 6 million young people in European Union leave school gaining lower secondary education or even lower level; every 7th young person in EU is at risk of unemployment. Over 70% of young drop outs graduate only lower secondary school and 18% secondary school.
The Europe 2020 Strategy assumes reducing the percentage of drop outs down to 10 % in 2020.In order to achieve this aim, students need help and motivation to be integrated happily in the school life and to find a proper place in the society after their graduation.
Drop Out – Coaching at School is an Erasmus+ Project designed to study, analyse and prevent this phenomenon. Also, it will be a good opportunity for them to improve their communicative and personal skills. We believe that it will be a unique experience for students to broaden their minds and horizons. The students could learn what it means to be a citizen of Europe and understand multicultural societies.
Below, are the summaries of the mobilities carried out during 2016-2018 school years and the resources elaborated to be used as well as the final products and results.